I'm now blogging at Southern In Law, hope to see you there soon!
Come and see the new blog at www.southerninlaw.blogspot.com !
Sunday, October 7, 2012
Friday, July 20, 2012
Sony a65 Review - EQ Village Markets
This review was originally posted at my new blog, Southern In Law - check it out for daily posts, delicious recipes and lots of fun.
Source |
All pictures in this review were taken on the a65 and are straight off the camera (except for the watermark)
currently considering a new camera in the near future and as my current
camera is a Sony of course I began looking at Sonys. I've had my
current a300 for four years now and haven't had a single issue - touch wood. That's excellent for a camera that gets used so much so of course I would consider a camera that would give me the same loving.
DSLT stands for Digital Single Lens Translucent
- meaning it has a fixed translucent mirror inside the camera allowing
the majority of light coming in through the lens to hit the sensor and
deflecting a small amount of light onto the AF sensor.
main difference you'll notice straight away with a DSLT is that it
seems more digitalised than the standard DSLR cameras. A DSLT camera
requires an electronic viewfinder instead of the standardised optical
viewfinder. The issue I had with the electronic viewfinder was that it
doesn't have the same brightness or clarity of an optical viewfinder and
it doesn't correctly show the image you're capturing.
found that the DSLT-a65 would be great as a start up camera as it has 7
scene functions that will automatically set the camera to shoot in
different scenarios - night time, macro, portrait, sports etc. Though
for someone using the camera on manual I found it was trickier to set
than what I'm used to - on both my Sony and other DSLR cameras I have
loved that it had HD video recording as my current camera doesn't have
any video recording and that's a function I'm really looking to have on
any new camera I buy.
I'm kind of sort of
addicted to my zoom lens, so I would have loved to try this camera with
the zoom lens to really get a feel for how it works, but regardless I
was still impressed with the quality of the images and I'd really
consider buying one as a second camera (if only I had the budget to have "a second camera") as it would be really simple for my family to use as well.
Would I buy it yes, I would as a second camera. Currently I don't have the budget for a second camera because... you see... weddings are almighty expensive - as are visas.
HD video and the quality of the images are definitely the two main
factors in why I would purchase the camera - both are excellent.
On the other hand, the electronic viewfinder and the horrrrribleeeee
digital beep instead of the regular shutter sound made me cringe. It
sounds ridiculous, but as someone who can spend hours upon hours with
their camera to their eye it's things like this that really get on your
nerves. The first time I took a photo and heard the beep, I was taken
aback - where was the shutter sound?!?! this is not right?!?!. I'm sure over time you would get used to both factors - it's just different from what I'm used to.
If there were such things as birthday fairies, I'd definitely make a request for the a65 (If you are out there, birthday fairy - remember mine is the 12th of August!) and when the camera gets picked up this week they may have to use force to remove it from my clutches.
If you're interested in finding out more about the DSLT cameras, check out my hub.
received this camera on loan from Sony for the purpose of this review. I
received nothing for my review of this camera and the opinions are
entirely my own.
This review was originally posted at my new blog, Southern In Law - check it out for daily posts, delicious recipes and lots of fun.
This review was originally posted at my new blog, Southern In Law - check it out for daily posts, delicious recipes and lots of fun.
product review,
product reviews,
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Hey there, I wanted to let you know about the giveaway I'm holding at my new blog, Southern In Law!
You can win one of seven prize packs from Wellaby's - containing one of every product in their Australian range! All you've got to do to enter is leave a comment on the post - but you've got to be in it to win it!
They might be gluten free - but gluten eaters love them too!
So go on, enter! :)
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Til the cows come home
While I was in the US, we stayed in Mississippi with Jesse's grandmother,
she lives on what I suppose you could call a cattle farm.
I did what any photographer would do...
got on the back of a four wheeler and rode out into the cows to take photos of them up close.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Good gluten free bread?
It is possible for store-bought gluten free bread to taste amazing.
Check out my latest review at my new blog, Southern In Law to find out more!
product reviews,
Friday, June 15, 2012
Follow the leader
Just a quick photo I took in Osyka, Mississippi.
Be sure to follow me over at my new blog Southern In-Law.
I'm posting daily and sharing a whole lot of fun - from wedding things, to new opportunities to delicious recipes!
I'm posting daily and sharing a whole lot of fun - from wedding things, to new opportunities to delicious recipes!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
How I met my Fiance
You may have been curious as to how I met my fiance, living 10, 000 miles apart.
If so - check out my latest post on my new blog, Southern In Law.
I've written the story of how we met.
![]() |
www.southerninlaw.blogspot.com |
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Introducing: my new blog!

That's right, I have decided to make a new blog!
Don't worry I'm still keeping ksayerphotography, it's just going to be focused on my photography.
Southern In-Law is my new adventure - it's going to be more of a "life" blog where I plan on posting about everything and anything that happens.
From visas to baking to random links - you name it!
Ksayerphotography will still be updated with new recipes, posts, products reviews etc so keep an eye out!
But follow Southern In-Law for more regular posting and lots of fun!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Discount Sessions
Hey there!
I thought I'd share with you an offer I have on my Facebook page.
All you have to do is "like" ksayerphotography on Facebook and you could receive $25 off your photo session.
If you haven't already, check out my last post on the Kisatchie National Forest
it's gorgeous and it turns out it's more than just a place for picnics! ;]
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Kisatchie National Forest - Louisiana USA
Your ears are filled with the sound of birds chirping,
your lungs are filled with the clean air with the scent of pine,
there's nothing but trees around you.
That's what it was like when we walked into the Kisatchie National Forest, off Camp Claiborne in Forest Hill LA.
There were trees as far as the eye could see and my photos don't do it justice to how gorgeous it was.
We were in the forest in the late afternoon and there wasn't a sound but birds chirping.
In total, the Kisatchie National Forest covers over 600, 000 acres across seven different Louisiana parishes.
It's filled with gorgeous longleaf pine forests with camping facilities and 400 miles of trails for hiking and ATV riding.
In different areas you can also go swimming, boating and fishing.
As it turns out, it's also a good place to propose to someone,
just ask my fiance ;]
Jesse told me that morning that after we went for lunch with his Mom and her husband we'd be going "somewhere pretty" so that I could take photos before I left the next day.
Once we got back after lunch we were soon in the car again, on the way to the forest.
But my camera wasn't the only thing in the back pack!
Before I knew it, Jesse was down on one knee asking me to marry him.
Of course I said yes! :)
So tell me ladies,
If you've been proposed to, where was it?
If not, what would your dream proposal be?
Are you all for a big song and dance?
Or, like me, do you prefer something more intimate?
Any men out there who have/are planning to propose to their lady?
Thursday, May 31, 2012
All ears
So I'm back in the country.
I'm still feeling a little bit under the weather, but I think I've managed to find my brain again after the jet lag!
I had the best time in Louisiana with my wonderful fiance (yes, I'm still giggling when I say that)
and his family.
Yes, if you didn't read my last post, while I was away I got engaged!
My lovely fiance asked me to marry him in the middle of the Kisatchie National Forest
and I couldn't help but say yes! ;)
Of course I took pictures of the forest, too! (expect to see some soon!)
While I was away I took a tonne of pictures,
so many so that I don't know which to post first!
We stayed in Mississippi and we rode through their cattle pastures on a four wheeler,
we visited the state capitol building and saw Baton Rouge from the 27th floor observation deck,
we visited Bennett's Bay which is a bayou fit for the movies,
we went to the Alexandria Zoo,
we explored the Kisatchie National Forest
and took a tonne of happy snaps along the way.
So tell me,
is there anything you'd like to see or hear about?!
Like those cows, my ears are open to suggestioms! ;P
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
I'm back, with news!
and there's a pretty little ring on my finger!
Just a quick post now that I'm back in Australia from my two week trip to Lousiana.
Yes, if you have me on facebook, you may have seen the news that while I was away I got engaged!
I also took hundreds and hundreds of pictures and have lots of stories to share, so be expecting some blog posts!
So tell me,
While I was gone - did anything exciting happen to you?
quick post,
Random Chatter
Saturday, May 12, 2012
The Plush Life
Some of you mightn't know, but I don't just take photos or bake.
I have a crazy obsession with crafting.
I design and hand sew little plush friends like the owlet above,
I also just started knitting and I paint, scrapbook, collage and am constantly looking for new crafts.
If I see something crafty, I'm automatically thinking about how I could do it myself
(and then before you know it, I'm ducking out to the shops to get supplies)
I've thought about selling my little friends,
but so far they just live with my friends and family.
I love designing new ones justto suit a particular person or occaison
(I even made my sister a white blood cell to round up all of her crazy ones when she was in hospital)
I posted a couple a longggggg time ago,
so as you can imagine, now I have quite the collection!
But, aside from my plush filled crafting room, I've been packing my bags!
I'm about to head over to Louisiana, USA - with camera in tow of course!
and with a new fish eye/wide angle lens!!
So I won't be blogging for the next two or so weeks, but when I get back I'm sure I'll have lots to share!
So tell me,
Do you have a special hobby (or obsession)?
or are you craft crazy like me?!
Anyone with any new crafting ideas is welcome to share, I'm all ears!!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Why I Blog
to share.
to learn.
to listen.
to explore.
to discover.
to develop.
to tell.
to dream.
to dare.
to release.
to find myself.
This blog started as an outlet, to give me something to do while going through some tough times.
It soon developed my hobby of photography into my passion.
This little blog has allowed me to connect with lots of amazing people and led me to have some brilliant experiences.
I don't have a million followers or a hundred comments on every single post with hits increasing every minute
but you know what, I don't care - because that's not why I blog.
The few comments and readers I do get, however, I am ever grateful for!
The few comments and readers I do get, however, I am ever grateful for!
I want this blog to grow with me and I want to take it in whatever direction I may go in.
That's why ksayerphotography is a mix match of blogs put into me, it's a little bit chaotic and a whole lot of Kristy.
But you, dear reader, I am most thankful for - and you are incredibly important!
So tell me, what would YOU like to see around here?
and why do you blog/read blogs?
and why do you blog/read blogs?
Leave a comment, make it anonymous if you like or send me an email - I'm always happy to make a new friend!
Monday, April 30, 2012
Taking a back seat
Knock knock.
Who's there?
No seriously, is anyone still reading out there?!
I haven't been doing much on the blogging front lately and I apologize!
I'm just about to head off to Louisiana, USA in less than two weeks time so hopefully I'll have lots of interesting things to share.
Once I'm back home I'll definitely be whipping up some new recipes to share with you all as well, any suggestions?
I'm currently loving working on portraits and petography (is that not the cutest term?) so hopefully I'll be able to share some of that with you too!
quick post,
Random Chatter
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Mother's Day
There is no one in the world quite like your Mum.
They're there for you no matter what, they pick you up when you're down -
dust you off, fix you up and put you back on your feet.
My Mum is my best friend.
I'm one of the lucky daughters who can have both a mother/daughter relationship and a best friend relationship with their Mum - and I couldn't ask for anything better.
Sunday, May 13 is Mother's Day - the day where you really should spoil your mum, grandma or whatever special lady in your life.
I believe they should be spoiled every day - but we're all human and we
often get lost in our own little worlds and forget to show our
appreciation for the ones we love.
And what better way to spoil your Mum (or whoever!) than with a gorgeous box of chocolates?!
Butler's Chocolate Selection is perfectly wrapped for Mother's Day and tied with a pretty pink ribbon.
Once your Mum opens the box, she'll find their luxury Irish chocolate truffles and pralines
with flavours like walnut ganache, chocolate flake, crispy praline and raspberry sorbet.
You can buy the chocolates online or from a number of stockists around the country - just see their facebook page to find out your closest store!
So tell me,
What's the best thing about your Mum?
and what's your favourite chocolate flavour?
Kristy received Butler's Chocolates courtesy of www.kingstonfoods.com.a
If you'd like a review of your products, send an email to ksayerphotography@gmail.com
product review,
product reviews,
Monday, April 16, 2012
Nutritious and Delicious
There's nothing more delicious than breakfast, in my opinion.
It's my favourite meal the day and is what gets me energised for my day.
I'm also a fan of supporting local businesses, so when I received a package from Kuranda I knew it was going to be good.
Kuranda started out of a cottage kitchen in the Atherton tablelands of far north Queensland.
First they began selling their health bars into the local farmers market and they soon became popular with the locals.
While holidaying in Cairns, Maria Peronace stumbled across the health bars and fell in love - so much so that she acquired Kuranda Fine Foods and the Aussie Snax Brands.
Maria continued making the bars true to their original recipe and launched the bars across the country in 2006. Today, Aussie Health Snax also exports to Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong.
All of the products are made by hand, just like they originally were!
All of the Kuranda products are;
- Gluten Free
- Wheat Free
- Dairy Free
- Low GI
- Gluten Free
- Wheat Free
- Dairy Free
- Low GI
The Spiced Apple with Quinoa Muesli has no added sugar and high in omega 3.
It's a mix of rice flakes, puffed brown rice and puffed quinoa mixed with flaxseed, diced apple, cinnamon, pepitas and sunflower seeds.
It's the perfect muesli to give you energy for whatever your day has in store for you and is an ideal balance of protein and carbohydrates.
The Banana and Date with Amaranth Muesli is high in protein and fibre and contains no added sugar.
It's a delicious mix of banana, dates, whole almonds, sunflower seeds, pepitas, puffed rice, rice flakes and amaranth.
This muesli is a delicious way to easily get more fibre into your diet.
The Berry Blend with Amaranth Muesli is rich in antioxidants and high in fibre.
It's a mix of cranberries, whole almonds, sunflower seeds, pepitas, puffed rice, rice flakes and amaranth.
The Tropical Blend with Quinoa Muesli is rich in Iron and Calcium.
It's a blend of tropical dried pineapple, coconut, dried apricots, apple, pepitas, sunflower seeds, rice flakes and puffed brown rice and quinoa.
Kuranda Muesli is available at their online store as well as a number of stockists across the country.
So tell me,
What's your favourite breakfast cereal?
and Do you have a favourite local company/small business?
Kristy received Kuranda Muesli courtesy of www.kingstonfoods.com.au and www.aussiehealthsnax.com.au
If you'd like a review of your products, send an email to ksayerphotography@gmail.com
gluten free,
product review,
product reviews,
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Taking a moment
To step back.
To appreciate.
To admire.
To absorb.
To enjoy.
Sometimes that's just what you need in this busy world,
whether it be nature, the world around you or your loved ones.
What's one thing you've taken a moment to absorb lately?
I was lucky enough to have this beautiful view which made me realise,
I am more than blessed to live in such a beautiful city.
quick post,
Random Chatter,
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Ready for the weekend - Gluten Free Goodies!
It's Wednesday again!
Are you anything like me and SO ready for the weekend to be here?
Don't worry, there's only 2 days left!
Being Gluten Free can mean you miss out on lots of fun and delicious foods, especially when it comes to social gatherings - but I've got you covered!
All the products in this ost can be found at specialty stores and health food shops around Australia and are also available internationally as they're imported from the US! (find out more at Real Food Distributors)
Chips and dips or cheese and crackers always make an appearance at get-togethers, so why not have some options that will suit everyone - even gluten free guests!
Boulder Sea Salt and Cracked Pepper Chips were voted America's #1 Potato Chip by Rachel Ray
They're crunchy and golden with kick of pepper and are;
gluten free
trans-fat free
cholesterol free
and all natural
R.W Garcia's Organic Blue Maize Tortilla Chips are made for salsa and guacamole, but are also delicious straight out of the bag.
They're gluten free and trans-fat free and have a full corn flavour.
They're also all natural and made the old fashioned way with nothing but blue corn, water, oil and salt.
They're super crunchy and the perfect thickness for dipping - they won't break away into your salsa!
Mary's Gone Crackers are the perfect cracker for whole grain lovers like me!
They're jam packed full of flavour and nutrition with quinoa, brown rice, flaxseed and sesame seeds.
They're also gluten free and contain no added fat.
Not a savoury fan? How about sweets!
These Chocolate Chip Cookies from Mary's Gone Crackers are a great GF option!
- organic and non-GMO
- vegan
- gluten, wheat, dairy and egg free
- vegan
- gluten, wheat, dairy and egg free
- Kosher friendly
- low GI
- free of transfat and hydrogenated oils
- low GI
- free of transfat and hydrogenated oils
and a good sweet treat to keep on hand!
So tell me
Sweet or Savoury, what's YOUR preference?
and what's your fail-safe party food when you're asked to bring something?
Kristy received these products courtesy of www.realfooddistributors.com.au
If youd like a review of your products, send an email to ksayerphotography@gmail.com
Kristy received these products courtesy of www.realfooddistributors.com.au
If youd like a review of your products, send an email to ksayerphotography@gmail.com
product review,
product reviews,
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