Saturday, February 27, 2010


another still life inspired post.

saturday I spent the day at multiple markets,
after a breakfast at Brasserie Bread I left for Eveleigh Farmer's Markets where I actually left empty handed.
to fulfill my farmer's market cravings and to curb my earlier disappointment I decided on a quick visit to EQ markets.

the Farmer's Markets at Moore Park EQ is probably my market of choice - mainly because its the closest to home. 
and the second reason is because there are THE BEST TOMATOES EVER!

the Tradiro tomatoes from Ricardoes Tomatoes never fail. 
the first time I bought some, my boyfriend had to take them off me.
they are that good. 

i'd say better than candy but candy falls into a different category :P

 So now I want to know, what is your favourite market? 
What do you recommend? :)
oh and,
lately I've been thinking...  
yes, I know... ha - ha 
am I boring? or something? 


  1. it's great. has a lovely warmth and earthiness. i think your finding your own style :-)

  2. Hard to beat Vic Market in Melbourne.

  3. I've heard that,
    I'm hoping to go to Melbourne sometime soon so maybe I can check it out :)

  4. You take really beautiful photos!! Btw, thanks for your comment on my blog.

  5. EQ markets are great, it's a shame that their not as popular as the others! There used to be a guy selling all different kinds of nuts, I used to crave them so much, and then I found out he had left :( Major sadness!

  6. They are great, and they never seem to get recommended by people.
    Probably because they're a little out of the city.

    Awh, that's a shame! Was that the guy with all of the different spiced nuts as well as plain and honey ones?

  7. Great photo. Really captures the feel of a farmer's market.
